Saturday, February 19, 2011


We don't realize how important words are. Good words and bad words and especially how we say them and to whom.  I think we all have something that was said to us at one point that sticks with us. I know I do. I was about 17 and someone I love said " so and so said all you do is complain" that has stuck with me and when I think about it it still upsets me. It upsets me mostly that someone would think that of me and because I don't feel it's true.  Sure we all have our moments where we complain but I don't feel I am an excessive one. I try to live my life as positive as I can and be a glass half full kinda gal.  So you may be wondering where this is going...I promise I am not just rambling! LOL I was in the store today and heard a mother say "you are just like your Father" All in all not a bad thing but the tone and nastiness it was said with meant it was a bad thing. You saw the child just crumble under the words.  There is so many other examples but you get the drift. I wish more people would treat others as they want to be treated and think before they speak! Children are a precious gift, if you don't want them then don't have them or let someone who will love and cherish them raise them!

1 comment:

  1. Something a lot of people should read and most people wouldnt write and even less think about... thank you for giving me some food for thought today <3
